tomorrow is holiday!!!...

there was a Maal Hijrah speech..
as usual..boring, boring,boring!!
as usual..boring, boring,boring!!
what more can i say?
but..that's okay as long as we don't have to study! hoorayy!!
then, there's a Faizal Tahir's song..gemuruh jiwa, or what?
dont remember lorh.. aizz...don't they have other song than that song?
hmm..faizal tahir pon bole lah..asalkan lagu..!
the speaker asked us to sing she mad or what?
there's a video clip...
about "reaching for our ambition"
about "reaching for our ambition"
dont even bother..
but what's important is
but what's important is
~ aiyoo!! there's a cute guy in that video lorh~
huhu, pity me! i cant see his face clearly coz i sit at the very back of the hall..
that's okay least there's a cute guy...everyone was shouting when the cute guy appeared.
huhu, pity me! i cant see his face clearly coz i sit at the very back of the hall..
that's okay least there's a cute guy...everyone was shouting when the cute guy appeared.
hush..hush..later on...
bored, bored, bored speech..
i want to sleep..but, teachers are just behind me..
so, cannot lah..
an atom bomb was released
..or something that was way...
..worst than that..
there's a sheikh muszaphar's pix..
his parents were kissing him..just like the pix below.. eyes burning to death!
i was wonder why don't they show some cute guys pix..
it will be more...interesting meh!
peek a boo..
key, wait for me ya!!

add math, physic and..hmm, what more?
aizz..can't remember lorh..
or, maybe these 2 subjects were what i learnt today..
great neh! i know!!
hihi..don't jealous!!
then..12.40, what else?
went home lorh..hihihihi!!
but, before took us to kbmall..
when shopping..
i got a cute pink dress..
i also trying to sneeking for cute guys..
unfortunately, i don't find any..