
morning...i went early to school ~ 7.30am (early-lah for me)
then, i run and run to the school hall..for assembly
aiyoo..the assembly starts early now!
after that, study..
add math - quite difficult-lah!
chemistry - also difficult n the teacher is..mmm, BORING! was the co-curricular meeting.
so boring!!!!!!!!!!!!
my brain was about to explode!!!!!!!
gaizz...i hate it!
then..this part is important!
the part which make a BAD DAY FOR ME!!
i went to see the EST teacher..
inform to her that i want to take EST subject
then..she said, "i don't encourage student to take this subject"
and..bla, bla ,bla!!!, should i say her, my friend?
well, okay..she's my "friend"..
she was asking me, did i'm going to take the subject..why-lah
and..the way she's asking, OMG!!!
soooo...umm, can't find the suitable word for it.
she keep asking me.." how is it? how is it? how is it?"
aizzz..she's worse than flies!!
i'd rather sit beside flies than sit beside her!
i feel like wanna kill her!!
then..i've made my decission..
i'll take the EST subject!!
no matter what the teacher would say!
why must she discourage student who want to take that subjecT?
ahhhhh..............i better sleep now!
or eyes will burn out like brain will explode!
Labels: school life